Matching Gifts

Did you know many companies will MATCH employee donations to nonprofit organizations like Beads of Courage? American Express, Disney, Starbucks and Walmart are among thousands of companies that have a Matching Gifts program. Many employers will double or triple donations … and some even more!

Bead Mom Kathryn recently DOUBLED her donation to Beads of Courage through her employer’s Matching Gifts program, which offers employees the opportunity to request up to $2,500 in matching gifts per fiscal year.

Her son Alex, pictured here, is a BOC bead recipient. Kathryn says, “We’re so grateful for Beads of Courage and how it has helped our kiddo through his chronic illness journey. I’m glad for opportunities to give back when I can.”

Ready to multiply the impact of your donation to Beads of Courage? Here’s how:

  1. Find out if your company or school offers a matching gift program by checking with your Human Resources or Payroll Department. There may also be information on your company’s website or employee portal.
  2. Another way to check is to enter your company name in MATCHING GIFTS SEARCH
  3. Read the details of your company’s program and how to enroll. Each company is different, so find out what you need to do through your employer. Once you’re enrolled, just follow the guidelines for your company’s Matching Gifts program. If we need to do anything on our end, please let us know.

Thank you for taking the extra step to have your gift matched by your company! Your generous support truly makes a difference for the children and families we serve.